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Thought of Nachmanides

A weekly class focusing on the thought of Rabbi Moses ben Nachman. Rabbi Bellino will teach the more essential commentaries on that week’s parsha and will contextualize the Ramban’s remarks within the greater contexts of parshanut and philosophy.

Recommended Commentaries for Each Parsha - Click for Listing (Continuously updated)

Introductory Poem to Commentary - Sources (10/14/2015)
Introductory Essay to Commentary - Sources (10/14/2015)

Beraishit - Fall of Man - Sources
Noach - The Secret of the Rainbow - Sources
Lekh Lekha - Biblical Typology 1 - Sources (10/21/2015)
Vayeira - Revelation to Abraham - Sources (10/28/2015)
Chayei Sarah - Everything - Sources (11/4/2015)
Toledot - Despising the Birthright (11/11/2015)
Vayeitzei - Jacob's Ladder (11/18/2015)
Vayishlach - Biblical Typology 2 (Online only)
Vayeishev - How Childish?! (12/2/2015)
Mikeitz - Joseph's Ruse (Online only)
Mikeitz - He who shall not be named (Online only)
Vayigash - Count the Miracles (12/16/2015)
Vayechi - Biblical Typology 3 (12/23/2015)
Vayechi - Burial of Rachel (12/23/2015)
Vayechi - Concluding Poem (12/23/2015)

Shemot  - These are the Names (12/30/2015)
Vaera - What's in God's Name (1/6/2016)
Bo - The Purpose of Tephillin and All Mitzvot (1/13/2016)
Beshalach - War with Amalek (1/20/2016)

Sun, February 23 2025 25 Shevat 5785